I’ve been thinking since few months of ideas how to overcome crowded during events registration, especially big events in UNITEN such as ahh I forget what we called it but the queue is so long before I can able to register for the scorun. The registration method is using laptop, everyone have to type ID, name etc on the provided laptop. Unfortunately they rarely provide more than 5 laptops for big events. Let’s say 1 persons require a minute to type in, so if I am at 10th position in the queue, I need to wait up to 10 minutes, what a waste of time.
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My first idea was using student ID card, but I found that the reader is so difficult to find in the market and of course it is expensive. So I don’t think it would be a good solution for the problems. Besides I’ve no idea what is being stored in the card, probably not an ID maybe some random digit hashes or whatever la which need some works to get name, phone number and email address from the stored information. What’s worse is student don’t like bring along their ID all the time.
Another idea is using wireless registration, most of the student probably always forget to bring their own ID but they never forgot to bring their own hand phone or smart phone. The idea is simple if we can turn smart phone into unique identification like one smart phone is to one person we can use it for event registration or identification without requiring smart card. This method is far more cheaper, and I already developed it without any single penny. Internet and electric of course la, I mean like to purchase expensive devices. Plus I got student edition for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 which is free.

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